We handle claims of all types but the most common industries we have experience in are:

Commercial claims that stem from damage to a building where business takes place can be extremely complicated and daunting. We are here to walk our clients through the process and help in every step of the way. We look for compensation for damage to the building as well as for missed production and inventory loss.

Claims from homeowners are among the top cases that we handle. In some cases, it t is a total loss of the home and all of the belongings within. In other cases, the damage is centralized to a roof or a certain area of the home. Whatever the scenario is, we show up and aggressively push to get the family’s life back to normal as soon as possible.

The forces of nature do not discriminate. Hospitals, jails, prisons, and other facilities that house a large number of people are prone to destructive damage as well. We have been in the business for a long time and know how to cut through the red tape and get things taken care of.

When it comes to a multi-family apartment complex that is home to hundreds of families, the claim process can be overwhelming. Depending on the amount of damage, the kinds of damage, and the amount of coverage that is available, it can take a long time to sort through all of the components of the claim. From property damage to loss of rent income the owner will be entitled to compensation. We handle it all. We help to get investment properties back on track by collecting lost rents and allowing the property to continue to produce income.
Some of our clients do not realize they have grounds for a claim and have coverage for losses due to:
Regardless of what caused the damage call us and let us help you get it fixed so you can go on with your life.
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